Library's DigiKidz Media Lab Attracts over 200 Students


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Library's DigiKidz Media Lab Attracts over 200 Students

(PJL Photo) (PJL Photo)

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - Philipsburg Jubilee Library’s (PJL) recently launched Digikidz Media lab has provided workshops in digital multimedia to over 287 elementary school students, since it began in April.

The Media lab was officially opened on April 17, 2014 before invited guests including Jorien Wuite, Secretary General for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, Forsee representatives and school officials.

Students from the Seventh Day Adventist School, Helmich Snijders Christian Hillside School, Asha Stevens Hillside Christian School, MAC Browlia F. Maillard Campus, St. Dominic, Sister Regina, Ruby Labega, St. Joseph and Leonard Connor School have taken courses in Movietrader, Internet Safety, creating animation movies, and making short film reports.

“We are very happy that we finally have our own medialab. Since the start of the first workshops, we have already noticed how excited children are about our new Media Lab. We hope to attract more adults to our afternoon workshops as well. Getting familiar with digital media is of the utmost importance for all citizens of our island,” stated Library Director, Monique Alberts.

This week, Design specialist, Niels Hoebers, conducted Media Lab workshops on creating animation movies and short film reports.  Hoebers also conducted classes for Curacao’s Media Lab.

“The kids at my workshops are having a lot of fun making their own animated films. They are stimulated to create little stories by manipulating various simple materials like toys, paper and fabric. Students take a picture of the material in small steps by moving them a little bit each time. Pictures eventually come to life by replaying them successively and more quickly. They learn to be creative and have fun. This technique trains individuals to use their creative mind through hands on work and computer skills. The workshop is a great mix of digital and analogue work. One kid said “best fieldtrip ever". When I hear children say things like that, I know the DigiKidz Media Lab works,” stated Hoebers.

The medialab project is an initiative from Foundation Kultuurkameleon.  The Digikidz project was made possible through funding from the Windsong Foundation and the Kultura fund.  Digikidz is a project from the Foresee foundation.

Classes are available for schoolchildren and anyone that is interested in learning about the use of modern internet technologies and multimedia. The courses are free to students between 9 to 18 years of age, as well as Teachers. Persons 18 and older pay a contribution of $ 5 at the start of the workshop. Interested persons can call the library at 542-2970 and contact Joy Lambert for more information or register online at

Photo Caption: Workshop Facilitator, Niels Hoebers assisting two students of the Sister Regina School with their Animated Film. (PJL photo)

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