Grisha Proposes Pilot Program on Net Metering to Fast-track Renewable Energy into GEBE Grid

Grisha Proposes Pilot Program on Net Metering to Fast-track Renewable Energy into GEBE Grid

Minister Grisha Heyliger-Marten, Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication. Minister Grisha Heyliger-Marten, Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication.

SINT MAARTEN (GREAT BAY) - In order to break the cycle of energy insecurity, and to expedite the integration of renewable energy into St. Maarten’s electricity grid, Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication, Grisha Heyliger-Marten has forwarded a draft “Net Metering Policy” and a complementary “Net Metering Pilot Program Policy” to the Management of GEBE.

The minister has at the same time requested that the utility company carry out a comprehensive review of the pilot program within two weeks.

The innovative plan aims to empower residents and businesses to become active participants in a more sustainable energy future. The pilot program, targeted for a three-week rollout, will allow consumers to generate their own clean energy and contribute excess power back to the grid.

The Minister also requested GEBE to propose, within two weeks, a competitive standardized Buy-back Rate for excess energy generated by participants in the pilot program.

Heyliger-Marten further asked GEBE to submit drafts of the application forms (digital and hard-copy) for the pilot program, including the format for self-declaration of system compliance and provide an outline of clearly defined standards for self-certification and a draft standard interconnection agreement within two weeks for her approval.

“It is our intention to roll out the pilot program within three weeks. The current electricity crisis demands immediate action to ensure reliable and affordable energy for all residents and businesses. I urge GEBE to treat this matter with the utmost urgency,” Heyliger-Marten stated in her letter to Troy Washington, temporary Managing Director of GEBE N.V. She had previously met with representatives of the company that included Washington, Patrick Drijvers, and Dennis Richardson.

Minister Heyliger-Marten wasted no time in demanding accountability from GEBE. The Minister highlighted the company’s ongoing violation of its concession agreement, which mandates a minimum 2% annual increase in renewable energy production – a target consistently missed.

Furthermore, the Minister pointed to past studies and plans commissioned by GEBE itself that included net metering, but never came to fruition. “This lack of progress towards a more sustainable energy future is unacceptable as it jeopardizes the island’s energy security and also contradicts the core principles of reliable, clean and affordable electricity outlined in the concession agreement.”

The draft Net Metering Policy was prepared by BTP Curacao in 2012. The policy was commissioned by former Minister of VROMI Theo Heyliger in 2011. Subsequently, following a change of government, the draft policy was presented to the former Minister of TEATT in 2012.

The draft policy indicated that the next step was to develop an implementation plan for net metering. The draft policy languished for years, as nothing was done by successive governments with it.

The pilot project proposed by Minister Heyliger-Marten will establish the viability of net metering as a means of achieving a more sustainable, reliable, and environmentally responsible electricity production that would resolve some of the challenges GEBE NV is currently facing, declared the Minister.

“The current electricity crisis demands immediate action. The pilot program isn’t just about empowering consumers – it’s about breaking our dependence on traditional energy sources. By embracing renewable energy, St. Maarten can achieve greater energy security and environmental responsibility,” Heyliger-Marten concluded.

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