Soualiga News Today


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Soualiga News Today (4910)

Nancy Joubert appointed new Secretary General of Parliament

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – On Thursday May 8th the Parliament of Sint Maarten in a plenary session of the House, appointed Nancy Joubert as Secretary General.  Joubert served as 1st Acting for a couple years.

Van Dyke Bell was appointed as 1st Acting Secretary General of Parliament.  Bell held the position of 2nd Acting also for several years.

Jossy Semeleer received an honourable dismissal.  Semeleer was appointed as the country’s first permanent Secretary General in April 2011.  Prior to his appointment in Sint Maarten back in 2011, Semeleer worked as an Acting Secretary General for 24-years with the Parliament of Aruba.

Other parliamentary business also handled on Thursday were incoming documents; followed by an advice regarding the installation of an Ad Hoc Committee for a new Parliament Building; and an advice regarding the annual President of Parliament Award.


Dr. Nilda Arduin awarded both the Woman Of Great Esteem and The Emerald Award Of Excellence

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - On Saturday May 3rd 2014 at the 18th Annual Woman of Great Esteem (WGE) Emerald Awards Ceremony at the Ritz Carlton Hotel at Battery Park, New York,  Dr. Rachnilda (Nilda) Lynch-Arduin, Ombudsman of Sint Maarten  was the recipient of  the 2014 Woman of Great Esteem Emerald Award and awarded the Emerald Award of  Excellence.

The Woman of Great Esteem 2014 honorees represent women who develop and advance their communities without regard for race, ethnicity, religiosity, gender, age or national origin. This award recognizes outstanding achievement in area of Politics, Religion, Education, Health, Economics, Arts, Law and Leadership.

Dr Arduin was the recipient of the Award of Excellence from among six nominees:

1. Honorable Sylvia Ash, New York State Supreme Court Justice

2. Dr. Carissa Etienne, Dominican native, MD, PAHO Director since February 2013.

3. Dr. Suzette Graham-Hill, US Virgin Islands, cardiologist.

4. Ms. YolandeNicholdson, Esq., Native New Yorker, corporate finance attorney.

5. Ms. Sharon Gordon, Jamaican, journalist and media specialist.

6. Dr. Rachnilda Lynch-Arduin, NationalOmbudsman Sint Maarten.

Dr. Arduin was honored in the field of politics for among others her pioneering work as the first Ombudsman of Sint Maarten, the "Guardian of the Constitution",  as a scholar and lawyer, whose dedication to making the Constitution understandable and accessible to the general public with among others the booklet “The Constitution made simple”;producer and host of the well- known television program “Law in Focus” which empowered the citizens of Sint Maarten with knowledge of various laws.

Certificates and citations of recognition were received from NYS Senate, NY City Council, and US House of Representatives.

Dr. Arduin accepted the awards on behalf of all women, who work diligently and passionately in their communities to better the lives of all persons.

The Women of Great Esteem Emerald Award was founded in 1995 by Brooklyn based, Bishop Sylveta Hamilton - Gonzales, who had a vision to recognize the increasing contribution of women who have excelled beyond normal expectations in a multi-cultural society. Bishop Gonzales points out that, "The Emerald Award is a vehicle used for the empowerment of women, honoring them for their relentless efforts to nurture and serve their communities. " The annual event is a fundraiser for MACADEMY, School of Science and Technology in Brooklyn. To date, the organization has honored over 150 women from twenty-seven countries from North America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Bermuda, the Caribbean and Central America.

This is the first time Sint Maarten captured the Emerald Award of Excellence.A globe representing the award, traveling around the world, will be officially presented to Dr. Arduin in June 2014. The globe will remain in her possession until next year,to be passed on to the next recipient of the Emerald Award of Excellencein 2015.

Dr. Arduin returned to the island on May 5th 2014 to an elated Team Ombudsman and friends.




Xtratight™ Entertainment would like to thank God for seeing us through a safe carnival season
Big shout-out and thanks goes out to the SDCF, the Xtratight Team and all theperforming artists, DJ’s & Host

TelCell, Insel Air, Maduro, Seaboard Marine, Heineken, Captain Morgan, Oyster Bay Resort

AVS News, Rio Productions, Accessible Ventures, Vip Destination Services.

PJD2, SOS Radio, Youth Radio, Tropixx FM, Laser 101, Pearl FM, Klass FM, View Point,
The Daily Herald, Out & About, Today Newspaper, Le Pelican, The News Room, MSR TV

Montage N.V., The Real Paparazzi, Ki Connection, So Contagious, Fun Miles, WIB,
Domino’s Pizza, Sound Masters, Sound2000, Caribbean Pyrotechnics, S.O.G., Sheriff,
Carl & Sons, Quality Food Catering

A Huge Big Up To Our FANS & SUPPORTERS, You Are The Best, JUS SAY AI!


Prime Minister Wescot-Williams Attends Chamber of Commerce 35-Year Anniversary

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams attended the 35 Year Anniversary Celebration of the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the Westin Resort. The Prime Minister congratulated the Chamber of Commerce on their achievement and stated that Government would continue to support the important and essential institution for the economic development of St. Maarten. The Prime Minister also urged increased public private partnership to move the community forward in terms of economic development.

The celebration also featured a keynote address on the exploration of smart tourism pathways for St. Maarten by renowned Professor Dr. Robertico Croes and a special recognition of Former Executive Directors and Board President of the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


100 kgs of Cocaine Netted by Customs & Police at Airport

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – The Public Prosecution Service Sint Maarten announced on May 7 that 100 kilograms of cocaine were confiscated on Tuesday, 6 May at the Princess Juliana International Airport in a combined operation involving the country’s Customs Service and Police.

The investigation is continuing with respect to the source of the drugs as well as who they were destined for, and therefore no further information will be disclosed.

The cocaine was spread in three suitcases on an Insel Air flight from Curacao to the Dominican Republic, according to the Public Prosecution Service Sint Maarten.

Two suspects, a 61-year old man (Bonaire) and a 30-year old woman (Dominican Republic) were arrested by law enforcement and are currently in police custody. 


Local accounting school goes the Extra Mile to improve literacy

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten:  As the only Computer Based Exam (CBE) Lab for the globally accredited ACCA and FIA examinations in the Northern Caribbean, The Extra Mile N.V has unveiled an exciting suite of courses that will increase the literacy level on St. Maarten. 

The Accounting and Business School that is located in Rembrantsplein, Madame’s Estate has become one of the most recognized names in the Region. It is St. Maarten’s premier career school focusing on Accounting, Bookkeeping, Business Management and Office Administration programs.  

“Our programs are designed to be completed in a short period of time so our graduates can find a job, get a promotion or start their own businesses as quickly as possible. We were founded in 2004 and have been helping our students enhance their careers or return to the workforce ever since. Our core programs provide real-world, hands-on training in accounting and bookkeeping. For many, it is an effective alternative to a 2-year or 4-year degree. The Program can be completed in 3 to 5 months and positions the graduate for today’s job market at a fraction of the cost of the 2-year or 4-year degree. Our strength comes from our instructors, who all have real-world experience as practicing accountants, bookkeepers, and controllers,” school director Allison van Dam explained. 

The school is currently offering an early bird special for people desirous of writing the 2015 sitting of the CSEC (former CXC) examinations. 

We have started a 6 to 9 months proprietary program targeting prospective students CSEC students.  Instead of placing them in the program hastily, we nurture them with the fundamentals before administering the CSEC/CXC. Hence they will be stronger and more confident which obviously translates into a higher pass rate,” van Dam added. 

She assured that local students are offered the best prices on all courses and those on a shoe string budget also enjoy payment plans interest free. Students have the added convenience of enrolling in morning, afternoon or evening classes.  

 Van Dam said that she was lucky to secure a partnership with the American Management Association (AMA) and Nelson Thornes so that students are provided with AMA and CSEC text books and possess globally recognized accreditation.  Apart from offering the global Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) accreditation, The Extra Mile also has on its roster Foundations In Accountancy Program, Administrative Professional Certificate in General Management , Certificate in Human Resource Management , Corporate Training, Payroll Administration Course, Secretarial Program, Manual Accounts Levels 1, 2 & 3, Microsoft Office Programs, QuickBooks Pro and Peachtree Accounting, CSEC/C.X.C & G.E.D classes. 

“I have no regrets about joining the private education system because we are all about changing lives by helping people attain the career they want and deserve. We provide each student with the training that builds knowledge and confidence. Our courses are short in duration and designed to develop the skills needed in today’s job market … without spending time on electives or general courses. We also provide career services, job placement assistance, resume writing and interviewing help, professional financial services to large and small businesses,” van Dam concluded. 

From now until August 31, 2014, The Extra Mile N.V is all encouraging prospective students to walk along with a copy of this newspaper article and also receive a discounted price on their tuition. For further information The Extra Mile Accounting and Business School can be contacted via email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or on telephone number 721-542-1192.


Additional agenda added for Thursday Plenary Session, Dismissal of Secretary General of Parliament

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – An additional agenda point has been added to the plenary session of the House of Parliament scheduled for Thursday morning.  Agenda point four will deal with the dismissal of the Secretary General.  

The plenary session of the House is set for Thursday at 10.00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The first agenda regards incoming documents; followed by an advice regarding the installation of an Ad Hoc Committee for a new Parliament Building; and the third agenda is an advice regarding the annual President of Parliament Award.

The fifth to the seventh agenda points are related to advices concerning the appointment of the Secretary General of Parliament as well as his/her 1st and 2nd acting.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via and 



Prime Minister Wescot-Williams to Pastor Wycliffe Smith on His Retirement

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams joined a large section of the community in wishing Pastor Wycliffe Smith of the New Testament Baptist Church a happy and fruitful retirement as he moves to phase in life. The Prime Minister highlighted during her address that, although Pastor Smith may be celebrating his retirement, she is sure he will be contributing further to he country during his new phase in life; “The word retirement is sort of off-limits when we discuss Pastor Smith; it could not be since we are not celebrating a retirement but we are celebrating with Pastor Smith and his family him entering a new phase in his life; a new chapter.

I thank you for the opportunity to say a few words because it is a good thing to move unto a different phase in life, especially when persons think of you in terms of already moving into a newer and higher phase. There is so much that we can thank you for, so in that context I would like to thank Pastor Smith for his contribution thus far to the society of St. Maarten and beyond. Pastor Smith I have known you for a very long time, and in so many different functions including in that of education and I am sure that you can look back at a very rewarding time during which you have helped to shape so many of our young people in the way which you did. Thank you Pastor Smith.

Your contribution to Government has been equally important and there too I must say thank you Pastor Smith. Thank you for your kind and intellectual contribution in different ways. Pastor Smith you have always done what you have been called to do without ever making a fuss about it. And so to me the biggest contribution is your contribution to this church and reaching to each and every individual on St. Maarten whether they called on you or when you felt they needed you. I cannot remember a time when you ever refused to serve when called upon when serving your community. For that we thank you, thank you for shaping and lifting up this country. And I am sure we will thank you for what you will be doing in the next phase of your life. You are truly a person who is appreciated and who so many look up to. May God grant you many more years of health and enjoyable life. God bless you,” commented Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.


Prime Minister Hon. Wescot-Williams Attends Eleventh Annual Fish Day Celebrations in French Cul De Sac

FRENCH CUL DE SAC, St. Martin - The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams joined residents and dignitaries from French Cul De Sac and all over St. Maarten and the neighboring islands in celebrating the island’s fishing heritage at the twelfth annual Fish Day Celebrations in French Cul De Sac.

The PM also joined the President of the Collectivite Mrs. Aline Hanson in in a moment of silence in remembrance of those affected by the shooting during last year’s Fish Day. The Prime Minister also acknowledged the hard work and dedication fisherman have provided in feeding the population.

“It is good to be here and to be a part of this traditional event celebrating our fishing heritage. It is a good moment, in this celebratory atmosphere to remember the hard work and dedication of our fisherman and our fishing ancestors have shown in going to sea to face the elements in order to feed our population,” commented the Prime Minister.


Minister Richardson meets with SG from Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Hon. Ted Richardson met with Secretary General (SG) Maarten Camps from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs during a working visit to the Netherlands.

Minister Richardson informed Camps about his Ministry TEATT’s plans for country Sint Maarten including areas in the economic arena that overlap between the country, the Netherlands and Caribbean Netherlands (Saba and St. Eustatius).

The meeting was originally scheduled with the Dutch State Secretary, however due to unforeseen circumstances the meeting took place with Camps and his delegation.

Camps was very pleased with Minister Richardson’s animated film of the Sint Maarten Economic Road Map where he emphasized the importance of the establishment of the E-Zone and the multiple benefits that come with the establishment of the Bureau Intellectual Property in Sint Maarten to cope with the demand of trademark registration.

Minister Ted Richardson elucidated on the final agreement reach with Curacao’s Bureau of Intellectual Property (BIP) on the dividing ratio pertaining to the payments of the registration fees for patents.

Camps and his team expressed satisfaction about the agreement reached between Curacao and Sint Maarten with respect to BIP, and they were also pleased of the country’s choice to conclude collaboration with the Benelux Office of Intellectual Property which the Netherlands utilizes with respect to the Caribbean Netherlands territories (Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius).  

At the end of the meeting both delegations exchanged tokens of appreciation.

The Minister’s delegation comprised of Chef de Cabinet and Personal Advisor Ludwig Ouenniche and Jaap van Duinkerken from Ministry TEATT.


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