About Us
- Written by Super User
- Category: General Information
- Hits: 155362
Soualiga Newsday is an online publication founded in March 2014 to provide news and information to the Sint Maarten community and those who have an affinity with the country. The site officially went online May 3rd, 2014 - World Press Freedom Day.
Soualiga Newsday is committed to being a source for accurate and balanced news and information. News and information will be provided in a timely and efficient manner.
Publisher is Roddy Heyliger, Managing Director of RSH Consultancy on the Caribbean island of Sint Maarten.
If you have press releases, notices, community billboards messages etc., send us an email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will make sure you are published; that your information gets out to the community and to the world.
For advertising, just drop us a mail for weekly and monthly rates.