Soualiga Newsday Latest News


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Soualiga Newsday Latest News (3657)

PM holds special meeting with Kingdom Youth Parliament Delegation

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams met with the St. Maarten delegation of the Kingdom Youth Parliament at the A.C Wathey Legislative Hall on Friday to personally congratulate the Youth Parliamentarians and their coaches Franklyn Richards and Connie Francis.

The Prime Minister stressed how impressed she was and mentioned that St. Maarten can rest assured that its political future is secure considering the performance at the 1st ever Kingdom Youth Parliament: “I want to extend warm words of congratulations to all of you for your performance during the Kingdom Youth Parliament just a couple of days ago. You did a wonderful job and it is clear that with your commitment you were able to do an excellent job giving a dynamic and powerful presentation.

“I am extremely proud of our young people, how you were able to leave the historical baggage aside and to see how we can make cooperation happen. you have come up with some very concrete actions that they will undertake. It must have been a wonderful experience for all of you and all of us on St. Maarten can learn a thing or two from them.

“It is in Parliament that decisions are made and that laws are made; laws that governs our lives. The whole matter of debating is so important, it is important to be able to speak with authority on laws and proposals. That is a critical part of a Parliament, youth or otherwise. I know that our young people when called to step up to the plate do so with conviction and I said wow look at the future leaders of our country,” commented Prime Minister Wescot-Williams. 

Prime Minister Wescot-Williams for her part was thanked for her contribution to politics and for her inspiration to the team with regards to being able to speak with authority on various issues important to Country St. Maarten and for supporting the Kingdom Youth Parliament.


Prime Minister to Meet with Kingdom Youth Parliament Friday

POND ISLAND, Sint Maarten - The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams attended various sessions of the Kingdom Youth Parliament, held for the first time on St. Maarten this past week at the University of St. Maarten.

The Prime Minister also had a brief meeting with Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix who was on island to officially open the Kingdom Youth Parliament, whose president Ms. Trumane Trotman hails from Sint Maarten. During the opening Ceremony the PM also interacted with the Youth Parliamentarians answering various questions. The PM will be meeting with members of the Kingdom Youth Parliament on Friday. 


Central Committee and Plenary Session of Parliament Scheduled for May 26

Central Committee and Plenary Session planned for Monday

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – A Central Committee and Plenary session of the House of Parliament is planned for May 26th regarding a number of issues.  

The Central Committee meeting is set for Monday at 9.00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The two point agenda for the committee meeting is the composition of the delegation that will be traveling to the Netherlands for the Kingdom Parliament consultation that takes place in The Hague from June 3 to 6.  The second agenda is an amendment of article 36 of the Rules of Order.

The plenary session of the House is set for 10.00am in the General Assembly Chamber.

The first agenda regards the proposed merger between TELEM and UTS. This particular agenda point was requested by three independent Members of Parliament namely, Hon. Frans Richardson, MP Hon. Patrick Illidge, and MP Hon. Dr. Lloyd Richardson.

The second agenda point is the amendment of article 36 of the Rules of Order; third agenda is a discussion on the institution of a joint legislation academy in accordance with the agreement list dated April 9, 2014 of the Tripartite Meeting.

The fourth agenda is a discussion on the UNICEF report in accordance with the aforementioned agreement list that came out of the Tripartite meeting.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary sessions will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via and  


Former Prime Minister of Curacao Detained

WILLEMSTAD, Curacao – The former Prime Minister of Curacao Gerrit Schotte (39) was detained on Tuesday morning by the Police in connection with an on-going investigation.

His life-partner C.R.D. (36) was also arrested.  According to a press release from the Public Prosecutors Office, Curacao based on complaints made in September and October 2012, the Attorney General’s Office decided in January 2013 that the accusations warranted further investigation by the Curacao National Detective Service.

Based on information received by the Attorney General’s Office from overseas, in mid-2013, a criminal investigation was started under the name Babel.  The Curacao National Detective Service is receiving assistance from the Detective Cooperation Team.

House searches were carried out in December 2013 and various computers and documents were confiscated in the interests of the investigation.

The former Prime Minister is suspected of committing forgery and money laundering.


Silent March Planned for May 24 Against Violence of Children

CAY HILL, Sint Maarten - The Asha Stevens Hillside Christian School Parents Committee under the presidency of Tatiana Arrindell, will organize a silent march against all types of child abuse on Saturday, May 24th.  The march is in solidarity with all the children of the country.

The silent march is being organized after one of the school’s students was viciously attacked by a person while on her way to school last week Thursday.  The nine-year old suffered serious injuries inflicted on her by a man from the St. Peters/South Reward area.  “We will no longer tolerate any more acts of violence against our children,” President Tatiana Arrindell said on Tuesday.

The silent march is to start at 5.00pm and will travel the following route: Asha Stevens Hillside Christian School (Cay Hill), Welgelegen Road, AJC Brouwers Road, Bush Road, Prince Bernhard Bridge, Pondfill, and ending in front of the Government Administration Building.

In front of the Government Building, there will be a number of speeches from various youth groups, and a song by the Hillside Christian School Choir.

Other schools have been invited to participate in the May 24 event.  Everybody participating has been asked to wear a white T-shirt and walk with a flashlight.   

Persons requiring additional information can call Tatiana Arrindell at 520-2851


Armed robbery at Trendy Shop on Back Street

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten, POLICE HEADQUARTERS - On Friday May 16th at approximately 07.00 p.m. the Central Police dispatch received a call from Trendy Shop on the Back street stating that shortly before an armed robbery had taken place at that establishment.

Police officers were immediately sent to the scene to investigate what had taken place. On the scene the investigating officers encountered the victim who had been tied up by the suspects with tie-straps and tape.

The victims stated that two unknown men had come into the establishment asking to use the bathroom. Once inside one of suspects pulled a fire arm and threatened to use it. The armed robber put the gun to the head of the store manager forcing him to hand over the cash. The robbers also took the manager’s telephone and several new phones.

After committing this act the robbers fled the scene. The Special Robbery Unit is investigating this case.


Economic department temporarily lifts moratorium on vending permits

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – The Department of Economic Licenses and the Control Department that falls under the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunication, hereby informs a temporary lifting of the moratorium on vending permits as of May 15th until June 1st.

The Ministry TEATT is of the opinion that in the general interest and preservation of the economic development of the market, guidelines are established for the issuance of vending permits.

Minister of Ministry TEATT Hon. Ted Richardson in reviewing the policy and taking into consideration that the country is heading into the low season, has lifted the moratorium that was established on February 17th, 2014, for a two week period, from May 15th to June 1st.

After the 1st June date has surpassed, the moratorium will be in place for a period of one-year, until May 31st, 2015.  Only vending permits for less than 21-days, are exempted from this moratorium (e.g. Carnival and special events).

For applicants who submitted the required documents and information prior to the implementation of the moratorium, those will be processed.  Incomplete requests cannot come into consideration for a vending permit.


Public invited to community dialogue sessions next week in Cul de Sac, Little Bay, Belvedere and Simpson Bay/Cupecoy

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – Next week four Community Based Dialogues sessions are scheduled.  In order to continue to engage the community with respect to the development of the National Development Program, the first session for the week is on Monday, May 19 for residents of lower and upper Cul de Sac.  The session will be held the Seventh Day Adventist Church from 6.30pm to 10.30pm.

The second session is for the residents of Little Bay and surroundings scheduled for Wednesday, May 21 at the Christian Hillside Asha Stevens Campus in Cay Hill during the same aforementioned hours.

The third session is for the residents of Belvedere and will take place on Thursday, May 22 at the Belvedere Community Center, 6.30 pm to 10.30pm.  This session was originally planned for this past Monday however due to inclement weather it has been rescheduled. 

The fourth session is for the residents of Simpson Bay, Beacon Hill and Cupecoy on Friday, May 23 at the same time as the other sessions.  A venue will be announced next week.

This micro and macro public consultation process with community stakeholders will continue until the end of June with communities, schools, the private sector, unions, non-governmental organizations, and Government.  The majority of voices reflecting the diversity of the country’s society will be captured.

The persons who attend these dialogue sessions have the opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions about what affects us socially, economically, culturally, and environmentally throughout the country.

In addition, persons will be able to find solutions which will help to improve the lives of those who live in the country.  The thoughts and ideas expressed in these dialogues will be captured into the National Development Plan.  The contribution made to the development of this plan will hopefully make persons feel a sense of ownership for putting this document in place.

The National Development Plan is facilitated under the auspices of the project, “Building a Nation: Sint Maarten National Development Plan & Institutional Strengthening.”

The Ministry of General Affairs, Department of Interior and Kingdom Relations (BAK) are providing key support for the NDP process along with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

For further information please refer to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and/ or call 542-0897.

PHOTO CUTLINE: Residents at a Community Based Dialogue session.


Nine and 10-year olds invited to sign-up for bike-a-thon by May 19

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – In Commemoration of Vaccination Week of the Americas (VWA), the Collective Prevention Services (CPS) Section Youth Health Care of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, has planned several activities including a bike-a-thon for Saturday, May 24th.

The objective is to bring awareness as it related to vaccination and health.  CPS Section Youth Health Care will be organizing its 1st bike-a-thon that will start at 7.00am on May 24 at the Vineyard Office Park and end at the Baby Wellness Clinic opposite Grand Marche on the Bush Road.

Children nine or 10-years of age can take part in the bike-a-thon.  Those interested in participating should contact CPS Youth Health Care at 542-3003 or 542-2078 for an application form which must be submitted on Monday, May 19.

Breakfast will be provided at the end of the bike-a-thon.  Once a person registers for the event they will receive a T-shirt.  The event is free of charge for participating children.

The bike-a-thon activity is in line with Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour Hon. Cornelius de Weever’s “Get Checked” campaign which promotes good health for all ages.


Community Based Dialogues for Belvedere and Billy Folly to be Re-scheduled

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – After five successful Community Based Dialogues sessions, the National Development Program process of country Sint Maarten, is continuing with its community based dialogue sessions. The Monday evening session organized for Belvedere had to be rescheduled due to the inclement weather.

Residents and stakeholders were invited to come out to the Billy Folly Community Dialogue session on Thursday, May 15, however due to unforeseen circumstances; this will be rescheduled for another date.

This micro and macro public consultation process with community stakeholders will continue until the end of June with communities, schools, the private sector, unions, non-governmental organizations, and Government. The majority of voices reflecting the diversity of the country’s society will be captured.

The districts where Community Based Dialogues took place were Simpson Bay, Cole Bay, Guana Bay, St. Peters and Dutch Quarter. 145 residents in total took part in the first round of discussions.

Upcoming dialogues will be held in Belvedere, Billy Folly, Cul de Sac, Little Bay Area, Lowlands, Madame Estate, Middle Region, Philipsburg, Point Blanche, Sucker Garden, South Reward, Oyster Pond and Zagersgut.

The persons who attend these dialogue sessions have the opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions about what affects us socially, economically, culturally, and environmentally throughout the country.

In addition, persons will be able to find solutions which will help to improve the lives of those who live in the country. The thoughts and ideas expressed in these dialogues will be captured into the National Development Plan. The contribution made to the development of this plan will hopefully make persons feel a sense of ownership for putting this document in place.

The National Development Plan is facilitated under the auspices of the project, “Building a Nation: Sint Maarten National Development Plan & Institutional Strengthening.”

The Ministry of General Affairs, Department of Interior and Kingdom Relations (BAK) are providing key support for the NDP process along with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

For further information please refer to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and/ or call 542-0897.

PHOTO CUTLINE: Residents giving their input during the Community Based Dialogue session.

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